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Relationships: the secret advantage all men possess

Relationships: the secret advantage all men possess

Relationships: the secret advantage all men possess

I often hear it pointed out that women have many advantages over men when it comes to relationships. Things like ‘women have the power to accept or reject men, so they really determine the dating pool’; ‘women control access to sex’; ‘women have far greater advantages over men when it comes to custody rights’, and so on.

I don’t dispute any of this, at least not in Western society. It’s all true (though depending on which country you’re in, the degree of advantages can differ).

But before I do, I should point out that this article is not relevant to online dating, in which the rules are uncertain and unfixed, and in which everyone is openly expressing their interest to date by simply being on the platform

However, there is one area in which men have all the power – only I get the sense that many men either don’t realise, or downplay, how crucial and valuable this power is.

Now as I flagged, this might not immediately strike you as a particularly important or compelling power – but it is.

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